Tuxler Firefox

Tuxler Firefox

  • True Privacy
    TuxlerVPN hides your IP address and encrypts your data making you undetectable.
  • Always FREE
    Using TuxlerVPN, you always get secured connections by 70.000+ Fresh IPs every month with unlimited bandwidth.
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
    Join our VPN network and be sure your bandwidth is unlimited, no matter which pricing plan you choose.
  • Military-grade Encryption
    TuxlerVPN is the security leader. The use of random and constantly modified proxies makes our network impenetrable. With military-grade encryption, we provide full anonymity and protection.
  • 100% Residential IP
    We continuously refresh the locations, securing VPN's full privacy. We hide the computers' IPs very efficiently so you can enjoy the web with trust.
  • No Restrictions
    Using our residential proxies, your online activities have no limits. We give you unlimited bandwidth and fully secured connections used by over 300 000 users already.
  • Wide Choice of Locations
    Wherever you travel and whenever you need access to a foreign market, our global VPN network gives you freedom while using the Internet. Over millions of locations are at your mouse reach.

Tuxler Add On For Explorer

Tuxler VPN is available for Windows, Mac, Chrome, and Firefox. Applications for Android and iPhone are unavailable but according to the website, the company will release them soon. Toast video converter. Since this VPN is only available for some devices, it excludes users that use Linux. Tuxler is community-powered and thanks to that you are fully anonymous. Unlike regular VPN providers, Tuxler doesn't leave any patterns and It's impossible to determine that you are using a VPN. ✔ Equal Web Access To Everyone.