What’s in your email inbox? If you are anything like I used to be your inbox is full of stuff. There are promotional offers from the latest youth conference you went to. You know when you signed up on that mailing list to get the free shirt? There are probably newsletters and blogposts that you signed up to get. You may have alerts from facebook set up to send you reminders, google alerts, and more.
According to an ABC News article most people can only handle at most 50 emails per day. On average we will receive over 80 emails per day in our inbox.
I was once drowning in an overflow of emails. For me the inbox was my to do list of important things I needed to take care of. They just kept growing.
So I'll go past ML.NET for now and I'll see.NET for Apache spark. So.NET for Apache spark is a free open source and cross platform, big data analytics framework. Like some of the scenarios we had mentioned earlier like Spark sequel and streaming and machine learning. We can use.NET for Apache Spark for all of those applications. Spark supports two-step verification for Outlook accounts to provide an extra layer of security. If you’ve turned it on, you need to enter an additional security code when signing in. Outlook can send you a verification code via a text message, a call, an authenticator app, or your alternate email address. The design on Evernote's website makes it super simple for users to see quick benefits of using the app and how to actually sign up to use it. Plus, the green color of the main and secondary CTA buttons is the same green as the headline and the Evernote logo, all of which jump off the page. Dropbox CTA: Sign up for free. Some emails contain important information that you'd like to back up or keep safe. With Spark, you can save these emails as a PDF to the cloud for safe-keeping and easy access.

Unfortunately, among the blog posts I hadn’t caught up on, and the latest offers and advertisements there were legitimate emails I needed to deal with that were getting lost in the mass of digital information.
So I tamed my email inbox. Currently my inbox sits at zero.
Now let me say that what I am about to share is no secret. I came across this by reading many blogs and listening to people way smarter than I. I just want to share the process and apps that I use and that works for me. For some other thoughts on the idea check out this post by Carey Nieuwhof or this one by Michael Hyatt or countless others you can find my searching Inbox Zero on google.
Step One – Consolidate Your Accounts
I have multiple email accounts. I have a personal account, work account and then some emails for our different ministries and such. I needed a way to see everything at one time. I found Spark Mail and love it so far. It allows me to connect all of my email accounts and then I can view them individually or together.
Step Two – Archive or Delete your Current Email
Pick the past 20 or 50 emails or so and leave them in the inbox and then remove everything else. If you cannot delete them, archive them. That way if you find you really needed something it can be brought up with a simple search. I use google for all my accounts so this is easy to do. But the important thing is that they get out of your inbox.
Step 3 – Process Your Inbox
After you have only about 20-50 emails left then go through them.
Junk Mail – If they are junk mail then scroll to the bottom and unsubscribe. If you do not need it there is no reason to keep it coming to your inbox. Find the unsubscribe button!
Action Items – If the email is something you need to do now or soon then either do it or add it to your to do list, but take it out of your inbox. I use Evernote to collect everything including my to do’s. Spark Mail integrates with Evernote so that I can easily send an email from Spark to Evernote and add it in my to do file.
Info Items – Some of your email will be information that you need to have, but do not require action. I have a folder for “info”, some people call it “resources”. When an item comes in that needs to go there I move it from spark to that “info” folder in Evernote.
Waiting Items – There are some emails which you cannot immediately take action on but you are waiting on someone for. These go into a waiting folder.
The key is that no matter what folder they go in, they are immediately placed out of my inbox and into a folder.
*the above is a very simplified version of a system called Getting Things Done or GTD. If you’d like to dive into GTD with more detail this article The GTD Way: Managing Your Tasks and Information with Evernote gives much more detail.
Step 4 – Keep It Up
Now that you are looking at an empty inbox then keep it that way. When you check your email apply the same question as when you are processed in Step 3. Either archive (delete) it, do it or put it on your to do list, put it in a folder to do later or store it.
I hope this helps.
For more way to use Evernote in student ministry check out these posts.
Related posts:
While adding your account to Spark, please check the network connection on your device. If you use a VPN, we can’t guarantee Spark will work properly. The quality of the performance via VPN solely relies on the servers of the VPN network. For this reason, we recommend you turn the VPN off.
Some organizations enable a firewall to prevent access to certain websites from their networks. Ask the administrator if the access to Spark (as the third-party email application) is allowed. Alternatively, you can try to connect to a different network.
If you 're still experiencing issues with connecting your account, please find your email provider on the list and check the main requirements for a successful login.
Some sections contain links to troubleshooting articles for the selected email accounts. Check these guides to find detailed instructions:

You need to generate an app-specific password on the Apple ID webpage and paste it into the password field in Spark. Make sure you submit this single-use password, not the standard password from your account.

Spark Event Time
Before generating an app-specific password, make sure you have two-factor authentication enabled.

Make sure you submit the needed login details:
- If you have generated an app-specific password, please note it is used only with apps that, unlike Spark, don 't support two-step verification. Please enter the standard password from your email account instead.
- If you have two-step verification enabled, you need to enter an additional verification code after submitting your password.
Spark supports two-step verification for Outlook accounts to provide an extra layer of security. If you’ve turned it on, you need to enter an additional security code when signing in. Outlook can send you a verification code via a text message, a call, an authenticator app, or your alternate email address. Make sure you enter the exact code you receive.
You can manage the two-step verification method in the Security settings of your Microsoft account.
If your account fails to connect, try to log into it using a browser. Go to the Yahoo sign-in page and enter your email and password to sign in. If you can sign into your account in a browser, try to do it again in Spark.
If you 've activated two-step verification or Account Key for your Yahoo account, you 'll need to generate a specific app password for Spark:
- Sign in and go to your Account security page.
- Click Generate app password or Manage app passwords.
- Select Other App on the list and type 'Spark. '
- Click Generate.
- Follow the instructions below the password.
- Click Done.
- Return to Spark and use the password you 're just generated while connecting your Yahoo account.
Exchange and Office 365 accounts have a number of specific requirements. We recommend you to check the separate troubleshooting article for a detailed guide on how to add your account.
Kerio Connect
Please check the network connection on your device. If your account still fails to connect, you can try using a different network.
If your email provider is not listed here, you can add your account manually.
For iOS: Settings > Mail Accounts > Add Account > Set Up Account Manually.
For Mac: Preferences > Add Account > Set Up Account Manually.
For Android: Settings > Mail Accounts > Add Account > Other.
Make sure your email server meets the following requirements:
- It supports IMAP protocol — Spark works with IMAP accounts and doesn’t support the POP3 protocol.
- It supports a secure connection — Spark allows only SSL or STARTTLS protection.
- It successfully performs SMTP authorization — Spark doesn’t set up an account when either the incoming or outgoing connection fails the authentication test.
You can check these settings on the web page of your email service or by contacting your network administrator.
For detailed instructions on how to submit the right settings while logging into Spark, check the troubleshooting article below.

Contact our support team
In case you’re still experiencing problems with adding your account, we are happy to help you personally.
- Launch Spark and click Help at the top left of your screen.
- Select Send Feedback.
- A new email window will appear. In the Subject: line, write “Cannot connect to [your email provider]”. For example, “Cannot connect to Outlook.” We need this email subject to provide you with a quick, personal reply.
- In your message, please specify your problem and write the email address you’re trying to log in.
- In Spark, tap the menu icon at the top left.
- Open Settings > Support > Diagnostics > Send Diagnostics Information.
- A new email window will appear. In the Subject: line, write “Cannot connect to [your email provider]”. For example, “Cannot connect to Outlook.” We need this email subject to provide you with a quick, personal reply.
- In your message, please specify your problem and write the email address you’re trying to log in.
Please note: There is no possibility to access Spark and contact us if the email account you can’t connect to Spark is the first account you try to add.
In this case, please add any other email account to Spark at first. Then, try to add your primary account. If it fails to connect, contact our support team as described above.
- Tap the menu icon at the top left.
- Open Settings > Support > Diagnostics > Send Diagnostics Information.
- A new email window will appear. In the Subject: line, write “Cannot connect to [your email provider]”. For example, “Cannot connect to Outlook.” We need this email subject to provide you with a quick, personal reply. We only need to know what type of account you experience issues setting up in Spark. Do not share your password with anyone.
- In your message, please specify your problem and write the email address you’re trying to log in.
Please note: There is no possibility to access Spark and contact us if the email account you can’t connect to Spark is the first account you try to add.
In this case, please add any other email account to Spark at first. Then, try to add your primary account. If it fails to connect, contact our support team as described above.
Spark Event Rentals
Spark automatically attaches a .zip file with the application logs to your email. We need the logs for our investigation. This file may contain some sensitive personal data, and we assure you we’ll treat it as confidential information.
Ifttt Spark Evernote
Can’t Connect to a QQ Account