Rust-Oleum 7779502 Stops Rust Brush On Paint, Quart, Gloss Black 4.7 out of 5 stars 725 Rust-Oleum 213174.6-Ounce Specialty Brush Bottle Appliance Touch Up, Black.
- I put my brushes and paint in the fridge too to keep it from drying out (the paint is usually in a paint tray and rather than pouring it back in the can, I just put it in the fridge overnight if I'll be using it agian). Thanks for sharing this and saving my paint brushes too!:) Reply.
- Other popular methods are wrapping a brush or roller in a sandwich bag, plastic shopping bag, garbage bag or a purchased paint brush cover. Many diy tutorials state the brush or roller should then be stored in a fridge or freezer.
How To Paint Your Fridge
Archive: Storing Your Paint Brush Between Coats
Put your paint brush in a plastic bag and place it in the refrigerator when you take a break. Make sure the plastic is completely sealed or your food could pick up some weird odors. This tip really saved me a lot of time when refinishing my wood floors with polyurethane. I had to wait several hours between coats. Cleaning the brushes and rollers would be a real time-consuming chore. The cold storage sure saved time.
By Elizabeth
Storing Your Paint Brush Between Coats
This is a great idea and I have done this soooo many times myself! I've kept brushes in my fridge sometimes for a month wrapped tight in plastic and when they warm up, they are still ready to go! I also do this to roller naps when I have to stop painting for awhile. I wrap them tight in plastic and put them in the freezer. Let them warm up and they are ready to roll. (pardon the pun).
If I can't finish a project at work the same day I will wrap my roller nap in plastic and tuck it away in a cool spot somewhere until the next day instead of using a new nap. I wash my brushes though because we all use the same brushes. (01/10/2006)
By sandra johnson
Storing Your Paint Brush Between Coats
Exactly what we were looking for! Thanks for the tip (04/15/2006)
By Holly
Storing Your Paint Brush Between Coats
I am concerned since my landlords are storing their paint brushes and rollers in fridge and freezer. They are not tightly sealed and there is even some paint in freezer now. Will this not contaminate the food? I know if painting where food is stored it has to be food quality paint. (09/11/2007)
By Rebecca
Plan to redecorate or remodel a room? You’ll likely be painting, and if you’re like most of us, that’s not exactly a chore that you love. Here are some painting tricks for everything from prep tips to cleanup to make that chore a little easier.

17 Painting Tricks That Make Painting Easier
Have a Pringles can handy? Store your wet roller in one, and put it in the fridge to prevent drying out.
You can also look at these Pringles can crafts, that makes painting easier!

Put a rubber band around your paint can before you start to scrape off the excess paint from your brush.
Hate the smell of paint? Add a couple teaspoons of vanilla extract to the can to mask the odor. It won’t affect the paint.
When spray painting, put the object in a cardboard box to contain the overspray. Smart!
Get dried paint brushes clean again with some hot vinegar. Let them soak for 30 minutes to soften the paint.
Press ‘n seal wrap is fabulous for storing wet paint brushes in the fridge.
Paint Tricks and Tips You Need to Know
Or, you can put wet paint brushes and rollers in plastic bags, and put them in the refrigerator so you don’t have to wash them out after each use.
Put Vaseline on any area that you want to resist paint. This even comes in handy when you’re painting your nails!
Paint Brush In The Fridge
Add aluminum foil to your paint tray before pouring the paint to make cleanup a breeze!
Frugal tip: save paint by scraping it off your roller back into the can before you wash the roller.
Tips to Make Painting Easier
Do edge work first. Yes, it’s tedious, but you’ll thank yourself after a long day of painting when you don’t have to climb a ladder or get down on your hands and knees to finish the edges.
Paint Brush In Refrigerator
Use rubbing alcohol to find out if the existing paint is oil-based or latex. Important to know!
Go over your wall with a dry Swiffer to remove dust before you start painting.
Write which room your paint is for on the top of the can so you can grab it quickly for touch-ups.
Add holes to the rim of the paint can to keep paint from dripping over the sides. This also prevents the lid from getting stuck when you close the paint. Fierce femmes.
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Cut out a plastic milk jug to use as a paint and paintbrush holder. So handy!
Protect your door knobs with aluminum foil before you start painting a door.