MPCalcRB Keygen Serial Gephi Keygen Serial TinyCAD comments. 09 January 2019, Denis wrote: muito obrigado pela crack do TinyCAD. 23 October 2018, SILVIA wrote: great job guys. TinyCAD keygen works. 06 October 2018, mirko wrote: Yippee! Thanks for the keygen. 16 July 2018, Piero wrote. A feature-rich and powerful scientific calculator for macOS users that offers support for hexadeci. MPCalcRB 1.4.5.(.) Multi-precision RPN calculator. The precision can be set to many digits. The keyboard shortcuts only correspond to the position of the buttons, instead of their function names. It lacks Last-X key. Log10 and Ln are on different keypad. Even for simple arithmetic, you have to use a mouse. For example, 1 return 2. MPCalcRB name: MPCalcRB last changed/verified: 2008-04-14 version:? Environment: Macintosh, Linux, Windows organization/author.
MPCalcRB Keygen Serial Gephi Keygen Serial TinyCAD comments. 09 January 2019, Denis wrote: muito obrigado pela crack do TinyCAD. 23 October 2018, SILVIA wrote.
sun-calcSoftware to calculate sun rise and sunset times, show moon position, import and visualize srtm satellite height data.
Download sun-calc
CCDciel has all functionality required for advanced imaging of celestial objects including sequences for fully automated unattended operation. But it is also possible to make simple capture in a manual way. For devices connection it uses the INDI and ASCOM standards drivers. It can control the CCD/CMOS camera, focuser, filter wheel, rotator and telescope mount and uses image resolving software such for accurate positioning. It can serve both the beginner astro photographer as the advanced who can take a nap while the equipment is imaging.
Download CCDciel
The purpose of this program is to prepare different sky maps for a particular observation. A large number of parameters help you to choose specifically or automatically which catalogs to use, the colour and the dimension of stars and nebulae, the representation of planets, the display of labels and coordinate grids, the superposition of pictures, the condition of visibility and more. All these features make this celestial atlas more complete than a conventional planetarium.
Download SkyChart
Astap is a free stacking and astrometric solver program for deep sky images. This program can view and stack astronomical FITS images using an astrometric solution or star alignment. Main features: Stacking images including Dark Frame and Flat Field correction; Native astrometric solver, command line compatible with PlateSolve2; Alignment using an internal star match routine, internal Plate Solver or a call to a local version of; FITS viewer with swipe functionality, deep sky and star annotation, photometry and CCD inspector.
Download Astap
It is an astronomical image processing tool, able to convert, pre-process images, help aligning them automatically or manually, stack them and enhance final images. Siril is targeted to amateur astronomers having acquired images and wanting to process them in a semi-automatic way. It provides a more user-friendly interface than Iris' command line as well as more modern and powerful processing algorithms, but it is not yet as automated as DeepSkyStacker or Registax. It also provides a basic command line to access various processing functions.
Download Siril
WinStars is a planetarium for almost any platform. Employing 3D technology to display our solar system in a realistic manner, users may tour the planets, follow a space probe on its long voyage, or observe a celestial event from a distant world, as well as receiving the latest astrophysical news from a live feed. Updates add new features and functionality, transforming it into an advanced educational tool for discovering our Universe.
Download WinStars
DeepSkyStacker is a freeware for astrophotographers that simplifies all the pre-processing steps of deep sky pictures. After a shooting night you give all your pictures (light frames, darks frames, offset/bias frames, flat frames) to DeepSkyStacker and you go to bed. The next morning (or is it afternoon?) you can see the result and start post-processing.
Download DeepSkyStacker
Gaia Sky
Gaia Sky is a real-time, 3D, astronomy visualisation software that runs on Windows, Linux and macOS. It is developed in the framework of ESA's Gaia mission to chart about 1 billion stars of our Galaxy in the Gaia group of the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut (ZAH, Universität Heidelberg).
Download Gaia Sky
KStars is a Desktop Planetarium by KDE. It provides an accurate graphical simulation of the night sky, from any location on Earth, at any date and time. The display includes up to 100 million stars, 13,000 deep-sky objects, all 8 planets, the Sun and Moon, and thousands of comets and asteroids. KStars comes with several tools to aid amateur astronomers of all levels, and a collection of informative articles on astronomical topics. KStars can even be used to control your telescope.
Download KStars
AstroTortilla is a helper application that brings plate solving to your astrophotography workflow. With plate solving, AstroTortilla can on its own figure out where your telescope is pointed. This enables you to automatically and quickly do things like: calibrate your GoTo tracking mount, GoTo any target with arcsecond accuracy and measure your polar alignment error.
Download AstroTortilla
'Hallo Northern Sky' or HNSKY is a full feature planetarium program for Windows. The program controls your telescope via the ASCOM interface, has a comprehensive up to date deep sky database with 30.000 objects and detailed descriptions, a star database with millions of stars and hundreds of Deep Sky Survey images which blends in accurately.
Download HNSKY
Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope. It is being used in planetarium projectors. Just set your coordinates and go. Features: Realistic simulation of the sky, sunrise and sunset; Default catalogue of over 600,000 stars; Downloadable additional catalogues for up to 210 million stars; Catalog data for all New General Catalogue (NGC) objects; Images of almost all Messier objects and the Milky Way; Artistic illustrations for all 88 modern constellations; More than a dozen different cultures with their constellations; Solar and lunar eclipse simulation; ...
Download Stellarium
Precise Calculator
Precise Calculator has arbitrary precision and can calculate with complex numbers, fractions, vectors and matrices. Has more than 150 mathematical functions and statistical functions and is programmable (if, goto, print, return, for). Features: text input, expressions can be edited, copied and reused; frequently used formulas or scripts can be saved as a macro; physical constants and units; unlimited number of variables; history, ...
Download Precise Calculator
MPCalcRB is a multi-precision RPN scientific calculator for Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows. It can handle numbers with up to 30,000 digits. It can also handle numbers whose absolute values lie between about 10^-40000000 and 10^+40000000. The popup menu selects from three keypads. There are keyboard equivalents for the functions. Over forty scientific functions are now available. The Help menu describes them.
Download MPCalcRB
The first edition of Googol+ was launched in 2007, but we posted it in another website. Seven years later Googol+ is still the only genuine Arbitrary Precision Windows Calculator you can find. Now, we decided to deeply revamp this product and add 64-bit processing power if you have a 64-bit operating system (Googol+, 64-bit edition is a few times faster in lengthy tasks, like factoring).
Download Googol+
Nixie Clock
Nixie Clock - an 'always-on-top' clock display for your Windows PC, the display on this digital clock is based on 1960's style Nixie tubes. The clock size, location, and window frame style can all be customised, and saved as Preferences to be automatically reloaded each time the clock program is started. A date display and a stopwatch function are also available.
Download Nixie Clock
OnlyStopWatch is a desktop stopwatch with milliseconds precision. Small size, fully portable. OnlyStopWatch does not have to be installed and can be executed easily from the desktop, and can be carried on a small usb-stick or other memory device.
Download OnlyStopWatch
Every person has their own story but they are also part of a collective family history. Gramps gives you the ability to record the many details of an individual's life as well as the complex relationships between various people, places and events. All of your research is kept organized, searchable and as precise as you need it to be. Gramps supports the GEDCOM standard, allows fine grained privacy controls and can generate many different types of reports (descendant trees, graphs, connection diagrams, ...)
Download Gramps
GEDCOM Validator
GEDCOM Validator is a tool for checking a GEDCOM file for problems which could lead to data loss when transferring files between different genealogy applications. Lots of genealogy products claim support for GEDCOM but often there are differences in the way each creates GEDCOM files. This means it is more important than ever for developers and users to be able to check GEDCOM files adhere to the specifications correctly. Now with GEDCOM Validator, you can check your files for problems and get in depth help on fixing any issues reported.
Download GEDCOM Validator
My Family Tree
My Family Tree is a genealogy product for all keen family historians. Its modern user interface and wide range of features will help you create your family tree in no time at all.
- Interactive and customisable family tree chart viewer.
- Add photos, videos and attachments to each family members.
- Record facts and events with evidence explained citations for each person.
- Trace your family movements using the map viewer.
- View all family events in a detailed interactive timeline.
- Analyse family statistics on births, deaths, marriages and more.
- Print and share your family tree.
- Create web reports to put on your website.
- Relationship, phonetics and date calculators.
- Get hands on with full support for touch screen devices.
- Protect your data with a password and privacy controls.
- Backup your family history data to USB or portable hard drive.
- Support for the GEDCOM 5.5 and 5.5.1 specifications.
Download My Family Tree
QGIS is a user friendly Open Source Geographic Information System (GIS) licensed under the GNU General Public License. QGIS is an official project of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo). It runs on Linux, Unix, Mac OSX, Windows and Android and supports numerous vector, raster, and database formats and functionalities. QGIS provides a continously growing number of capabilities provided by core functions and plugins. You can visualize, manage, edit, analyse data, and compose printable maps.
Download QGIS
GEOMS2 is a geostatistics and geosciences modeling software. Provides interface for grid (mesh), point, surface and data (non-spatial) objects. It has a 3D viewer and 2D plots using the well known Python engines Mayavi and Matplotlib. It has several functions to manipulate your data as well as provide univariate and multivariate analysis.
Download GEOMS2
OpenOrienteering Mapper is an orienteering mapmaking program and provides a free alternative to the existing proprietary solution. While it is under continuous development and considered in beta state, it has been used to produce maps for classical orienteering, MTBO and radio orienteering races. All required functions for drawing maps are implemented and the program works very stable. So it can be considered ready for productive use, although it is like always a good idea to keep backups of your files.
Download Mapper
Spring is a state-of-the-art GIS and remote sensing image processing system with an object-oriented data model which provides for the integration of raster and vector data representations in a single environment.
Download Spring
Geographic Resources Analysis Support System, commonly referred to as GRASS GIS, is a Geographic Information System (GIS) used for data management, image processing, graphics production, spatial modelling, and visualization of many types of data. GRASS GIS contains over 350 modules to render maps and images on monitor and paper; manipulate raster, and vector data including vector networks; process multispectral image data; and create, manage, and store spatial data.
Download GRASS GIS
gvSIG CE (Community Edition)
The Community Edition (gvSIG CE) is a fork of the gvSIG desktop GIS project. gvSIG CE is a fully functional Open Source Desktop GIS that provides powerful visualization (including thematic maps, advanced symbology and labelling), cartography, raster, vector and geoprocessing in a single, integrated software suite.
Download gvSIG CE
SAGA (System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses) is a Geographic Information System (GIS) software with immense capabilities for geodata processing and analysis. SAGA is programmed in the object oriented C++ language and supports the implementation of new functions with a very effective Application Programming Interface (API). Functions are organised as modules in framework independent Module Libraries and can be accessed via SAGA’s Graphical User Interface (GUI) or various scripting environments (shell scripts, Python, R, ...).
Download SAGA

GeographicLib is a small set of C++ classes for performing conversions between geographic, UTM, UPS, MGRS, geocentric, and local cartesian coordinates, for gravity (e.g., EGM2008), geoid height, and geomagnetic field (e.g., WMM2010) calculations, and for solving geodesic problems. (The library may be used from .NET applications using the NETGeographicLib wrapper library.) It is a suitable replacement for the core functionality provided by geotrans.
Download GeographicLib
Marble is a virtual globe and world atlas - your swiss army knife for maps. Find your way and explore the world! Use Marble similar to a desktop globe; pan around and measure distances. At closer scale it becomes a world atlas, while OpenStreetMap takes you to street level. Search for places of interest, view Wikipedia articles, create routes by drag and drop and so much more.
Download Marble
Traccar is an open source GPS tracking system for various GPS tracking devices. System supports more than 170 different communication protocols from popular vendors. Traccar includes web interface to manage tracking devices online. Release versions include latest Traccar (Server) and Traccar Web (Web Interface for Traccar Server) builds.
Download Traccar
MyTourbook is a software to visualize and analyze tours which are recorded by a GPS device, bike- or exercise computer and ergo meter. Features: Import, receive, export, edit and visualize tours; Show photos; Analyse heart rate; Compare tours automatically; Segment a tour automatically; Statistical analysis; Manage tours for different people; Tour Segmenter; ...
Download MyTourbook
GPS Reviser
GPS Reviser analyzes and changes GPS coordinates and time in digital pictures. Features: Add or change GPS-coordinates of digital images; Add or change GPS-Time; Add missing coordinates half-automatic; Find files in a directory with suspicious GPS-Data; Rename files using indices, where files are sorted by GPS-Time; Create and print list with names of places, as they are presented by Google Maps; ...
Download GPS Reviser
GPXSee is a Qt based tool for visualizing and analyzing GPX files. Features: User-definable map sources; Elevation/speed/heart rate graphs; Support for POI files; Support for multiple tracks in one view; Export to PDF; Native GUI for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
Mpcalc Python
Download GPXSeeRouteConverter
RouteConverter displays, modifies and converts GPS data between over 70 formats. It works without installation, automatically detects the format of a file, supports drag and drop, offers a map view onto the positions of routes, tracks and waypoints, allows to modify positions in the map view. RouteConverter supports multiple routes within Google Earth, GPX and Garmin MapSource files, allows to select duplicate positions to remove them to abbreviate tracks, allows to move one or more positions of the route to the top, to the bottom, upwards and downwards.
Download RouteConverter
QtVlm is routing software for virtual and real sailing boats.
QtVlm can be used in two modes:
- Virtual Racing designed to manage and pilot virtual boats from Virtual 'loup de mer' VLM virtual races.
- Real Boats connected (or not) to a GPS device.
QtVlm uses boat polar diagrams and grab weather files, and includes Routing module (isochrones method). Route module respectively allowing route optimization and waypoints management.
Download qtVLM
Calorie Calculator
The program allows calculating the calories of your food based on your age, gender, height, weight and physical activity level. You can add new products/entries into the product list table by right clicking with the mouse on the product list table and then pop-up menu shows the menu: 'Edit product', 'Delete selected product', 'Add new product'. The second table which shows the selected products also has pop-up menu which shows up after right clicking it with the mouse. This pop-up menu allows to: 'Add product list which was saved earlier' (i.e. load from file) and 'Save current list of selected products' (i.e. save to file).

Greek and Latin Roots Finder
You can increase your vocabulary without memorizing a lot of words. Words are composed of word parts: prefixes, suffixes and roots. A knowledge of these word parts and their meanings can help you to unlock the meaning of unfamiliar words. Most modern English words are derived from Anglo-Saxon (Old English), Latin and Greek. Build your vocabulary by mastering basic word parts.
Download Greek and Latin Roots Finder
WinJumble knows 376,000 English words. Type between two and 31 letters, and WinJumble will find all of the single words (not phrases) that can be made by using all of the letters. If you type 'ate', WinJumble will not find 'at' because 'at' does not contain all of the letters.
Download WinJumble
Longman English Dictionary Browser
This is a simple web browser designed specifically to browse Longman English Dictionary Online, one of the best English online dictionary with full of examples and precise definitions. Select a keyword and press your favorite keys to find definitions.
Download Longman English Dictionary Browser
WinThesaurus is a Windows thesaurus (for finding synonyms: words of same or related meaning). WinThesaurus has 30,260 root words and phrases, and over 2.5 million synonyms, for an average of 83 synonyms per root. WinThesaurus can help when you are looking for a particular word but can only think of a related word. Type the word you know into WinThesaurus (or find it in a list), click once, and you have a list of synonyms. You can select one and copy it to the Windows clipboard with two more clicks.
Download WinThesaurus
WildSpeller is an English spelling aid for Windows. WildSpeller can help when you know how to spell part of a word. Type the word, using wild cards '*' and '?', into WildSpeller. Asterisk (*) replaces any number of letters, including none; question mark (?) replaces exactly one letter. Click once and you have a list of words. You can select a word and copy it to the Windows clipboard with a double-click. If you use no wild card, WildSpeller will list words that sound like what you spelled. WildSpeller knows over 144,000 English words, including American, British and Canadian spellings.
Download WildSpeller
Cyrillic Character Transliteration
The Cyrillic Character Transliteration Client is a great tool that can be used to quickly convert text to or from Cyrillic Characters. To convert text, simply select any paragraph from any editable source such as a MS Word document or an email, and press CTRL+M. The tool will convert the selected text, and paste the results in place of the original text. The tool will automatically detect if the first few characters are Latin or Cyrillic, and perform the conversion accordingly.
Download Cyrillic Character Transliteration
Google Translate Client
Google Translate Client is a small, portable and unobtrusive Windows client that can retrieve text from most Windows applications and translate the text by making a web services call to Google. This handy Google Translate client for Windows is capable of grabbing selected text from most applications, and making a web services call to Google to retrieve the translated text. The text can then easily be pasted back into the originating application, or sent into a separate dialog box, or read via Text To Speech (TTS).
Download Google Translate Client
Lingoes is a dictionary and multi-language translation software providing results in over 80 languages. It offers full text translation, capture word on screen, translate selected text and pronouncing text, and abundant free dictionaries as a new gerenation dictionary and translation software. Lingoes offers users the instantest way to look up dictionaries and translation among English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese, Greek, Polish, Arabic, Hebrew and more over 80 languages.
Download LingoesTranscription Aid
This software is to help type in text from speech recordings. It has several functions proven to help this type of work. However it is fully manual (aside from auto-completion), so no speech recognition if you are looking for that, but it is a great tool to do the job.
Mpcac Benchmarks
Download Transcription AidPraat
Praat is a scientific software program for the analysis of speech in phonetics. Praat analyzes mono signals. But within certain limits, stereo signals can be recorded and saved, opened, and played back in stereo. The modest support for stereo signals that Praat does provide is there for the convenience of colleagues who have their speech material in stereo form. In fact, outside the lab, it is almost impossible nowadays to produce mono tape recordings with standard equipment and standard connecting cables. Most portable recorders record in stereo nowadays.
Download Praat
Polyglot 3000
Polyglot 3000 is an automatic language identifier that quickly recognizes the language of any text, phrase or even single words.
- Recognizes more than 400 languages.
- Supports Unicode texts.
- Convenient user interface.
- True-Coloured icons in menu and toolbar.
- Quick and correct language identification.
- Can be set to only check for popular languages.
- Multilingual interface (English, German, French, Spanish and others).
Download Polyglot 3000
Unit Conversion
The NumericalChameleon is a free, open source, cross platform software in order to convert units. It converts numbers with a precision of up to 1000 significant figures. It supports more than 5300 units in 94 categories. It has been localized in 10 languages.
Download NumericalChameleon
Converber is a unit converter. It is a powerful software utility that will help make easy conversions between 1324 various units of measure in 38 categories.
Download Converber
Typing Guru
This software is developed on the view of the beginners how they can increase typing speed. There is step by step process to increase typing speed. This software supports: Hindi Typing, English Typing, Nepali Typing, Tamil Typing, Punjabi Typing, Urdu Typing, Bengali Typing, Marathi Typing, Telgu Typing.
Download Typing Guru
TxPlan Lite
TxPlan can be used to illustrate the layout of transponders on a satellite, or the layout of carriers within a frequency band. The program also allows the user to manipulate the carrier frequencies, for example squeezing them closer together to minimise satellite lease bandwidth, or illustrating the effect of passing them through a frequency converter. It will also calculate and report the frequencies of third order intermodulation products resulting from non-linear devices or PIMs.
Download TxPlan Lite
Unofficial and open source desktop app to monitor and control Tesla vehicles. Features: Real-time location tracking; Track of several statuses (Speed, battery, temperature, etc...); Remote locking/unlocking; Remote climate control; Remote sentry mode toggle; Remote temperature target set; Auto-update (of the app, not the car:); Custom images for all Tesla models; Dynamic icon for battery level; Tesla AuthKey stored locally.
Download Nikola
MTF mapper
A utility to produce MTF (modulation transfer function, a measure of edge acuity) maps of images. The program will automatically detect dark rectangular objects on light backgrounds, and extract MTF values on all edges. Program works with many image formats, including JPEG and various raw formats.
Download MTF mapper
Rocrail is free software for controlling model trains for Linux, Apple MacOS and of course Windows operating systems. Rocrail assumes all responsibilities for controlling a model railroad and their accessories. Trains can be either manually controlled or completely controlled by the software in automatic mode. A mixed operation, i.e. controlling some trains manually and other trains in fully automatic mode is possible.
Download Rocrail
The Universal Radio Hacker (URH) is a software for investigating unknown wireless protocols. Features include: hardware interfaces for common Software Defined Radios; easy demodulation of signals; assigning participants to keep overview of your data; customizable decodings to crack even sophisticated encodings like CC1101 data whitening; assign labels to reveal the logic of the protocol; fuzzing component to find security leaks; modulation support to inject the data back into the system; simulation environment to perform stateful attacks.
Download URH
Temps is a clean and minimalistic weather menubar application for any desktop.
- Actual weather information for any location
- Four-Day weather forecast
- Interactive hourly weather graph
- Timezone and Geolocation support
- Information directly in your menubar available
- Rain, snow and thunder animation
- Minimal and colorful design.
Download Temps

Prog Finder
Prog Finder - Ex. Prog Satellite Finder. Simple and completely free the utility capable considerably to help with adjustment of the Satellite dish or Terristeral antenna.
- Calculation of azimuth and elevation angle.
- Indication of level of a signal, including the sound.
- Chart of signal level.
- Scanner and power satellite detection.
- Control of Diseq positioner (include usals), switch,...
- Support Terrisateral and Satellite signal.
Download Prog Finder
My SCUBA Diary
My SCUBA Diary is a free, lightweight logbook to manage your dives. It is ideal for anyone who prefers simplicity and efficiency over complex features and functions. Designed to minimize distractions it only include features that a recreational diver really needs to keep memories alive. My SCUBA Diary imports dive data directly from your dive computer. It can also import any existing dive logs from Suunto Dive Manager. The application is giving you freedom of choice in how you display and export your dive information.
Download My SCUBA Diary
PreviSat is a simple, fast and intuitive application that displays the position of artificial satellites. Its graphical interface is designed to meet the needs of the neophyte or experienced observer. Developed in C++/Qt, it can work on all platforms and makes fast and precise calculations. PreviSat can calculate all passes of artificial satellites for any location in the world. So you can observe passes of the ISS (International Space Station) or Iridium flares, even if you live in a city.
Download PreviSat
GoldenCheetah is a software package that:
- Downloads ride data directly from the Garmin, CycleOps PowerTap and the SRM PowerControl.
- Imports ride data downloaded with other programs, including TrainingPeaks WKO+ and the manufacturers' software for the Ergomo, Garmin, Polar, PowerTap, and SRM devices.
- Provides a rich set of analysis tools, including a critical power graph, BikeScore calculation, histogram analysis, a best interval finder, and a pedal force versus pedal velocity chart, to name just a few.
Download GoldenCheetah
CWStudio is fast, computationally efficient and portable generator of various CW signals for telegraphy training purposes. Besides efficiency and portability, it is designed to simulate as much as possible a real air listening. It can generate signals of various complexity, from one sine signal without any noise, to AGC-like complex air signal mix with possible hum, chirp, detuning, hand irregularities and so on.
Download CWStudio
RW Trainer
RW Trainer is a bilingual (English and Spanish) Windows application that allows skydivers to design, optimize, animate and print sequential relative work jumps. A 'must have' for serious Formation Skydiving competitors, very useful also for judges, FAI rules designers or just beginner relative workers.
Download RW Trainer
KMLCSV Converter
KMLCSV Converter is a free open source software that enables you to convert KML file to a formatted CSV file, and vice versa. This CSV file can then be uploaded into your Garmin GPS by using Garmin POI Loader, which can be downloaded for free. This allows you to easily plot all custom point of interests (POI) through Google Earth or Google Maps first before transferring them into your Garmin GPS. You can also use KMLCSV Converter to visually map your iPhone or iPad tracking data into Google Earth.
Download KMLCSV Converter
RSS Feed for this tag 8 applications totalLast updated: Sep 19th 2018, 16:45 GMT
my41cx 1.1.0
Reverse Polish Notation calculator emulator that is functionally equivalent to the HP-41C, HP-41CV...
cs-41 6.4

Simulates a real RPN calculator.
Calcoo 2.1.0
A free and easy to use calculator that enables user to perform simple and complex math calculation...
MPCalcRB 6.0
Multi-precision RPN calculator
15C Scientific Calculator 2.3
An exact replica of the popular HP 15C RPN high-end scientific programmable calculator for the Mac...
Full Screen RPN Calculator 3.7.2
A RPN calculator that supports basic operations and a few advanced ones and takes full advantage o...
RPN Scientific Calculator 1.2.5
An easy to use scientific calculator
RPN calculator 2.0
Small RPN calculator in Java