IPython / Jupyter¶
- Jupyter Markdown Cheat Sheet 2020
- Jupyter Markdown Cheat Sheet Template
- Jupyter Markdown Cheat Sheet 2019
- Jupyter Notebook Markdown Cheat Sheet Pdf
Using markdown, you can quickly include headers, links, images, bold or italic text, paragraphs, and ordered or unordered lists. In this guide, we'll be using Jupyter notebooks to demonstrate markdown, however note that markdown is not Jupyter specific. Battle for middle earth 2 download mac. Many other services and products use it to allow easy text formatting. Jupyter Notebook Users Manual¶ This page describes the functionality of the Jupyter electronic document system. Jupyter documents are called 'notebooks' and can be seen as many things at once. For example, notebooks allow: creation in a standard web browser; direct sharing.
About Python Cheat Sheet. This is a basic cheatsheet for Python mostly based on the book written by Al Sweigart, Automate the Boring Stuff with Python under the Creative Commons license and many other sources. Anyone can forget how to make character classes for a regex, slice a list or do a for loop. This cheatsheet tries to provide a basic. J u p y te r N o te b o o k Ma r k d o w n C h e a ts h e e t F ro m S q l B a k.
- Using IPython makes interactive work easy.
- Better shell
- Notebook interface
- Embeddable kernel
- Parallel python
IPython shell shortcuts¶
- TAB expansion to complete python names and file paths
- ~ and * directory / file expansion
- many 'magic' methods:

for docstring, function definition, source code only.
To run a program directly from the IPython console:
has special flags for timing the execution of your scripts (-t
) or for running them under the control of either Python's pdb debugger (-d
) or profiler (-p
Other Commands¶
is not a kernel restart- Restart with
in 'qtconsole' import module ; reload(module)
to reload a module from disk
OS Commands¶
GUI integration¶
Start with ipython --gui=qt
or at the IPython prompt:
Arguments can be wx
, qt
, gtk
and tk
Matplotlib / pylab graphics in an iPython shell¶
Start with: ipython --matplotlib
( or --matplotlib=qt
At the IPython prompt:
makes the following imports:
At the command prompt:
alternative: --matplotlib inlineor within IPython:
To embed plots, SVG or HTML in qtconsole, call display:
IPython Notebook web-based interface¶
- Start with: ipython notebook and switch to browser
- Keyboard shortcuts:
to edit a cellShift + Enter
to evaluateCtrl + m
for the 'command mode'
In command mode:
Papermill is a tool for parameterizing and executing Jupyter Notebooks.
Markdown is a wonderfully simple approach to creating web pages, writtenby John Gruber of DaringFireball. You get on with the business of writing (without any fancycode) and Markdown takes care of producing clean, web standardscompliant HTML.
The Daring Fireball site provides full documentation forMarkdown, but the following examplesshould get you started.
Section Headings
You can define headings of different levels when creating a web page.The most important heading (which typically only occurs once on eachpage -- at the top) is heading 1. A level 1 heading can be created withMarkdown by typing a single '#' character at the start of a line. Theheading at the top of this page was defined like this:
To create a secondary heading (such as the one for this section) youjust use two '#' characters, like so:
You can use up to six '#' characters to create a level 6 heading, butyou will probably find that you don't need to nest your headings quiteso deeply!
Paragraphs are very easy; separate them with a blank line. You can writeyour paragraph on one long line, or you can wrap the lines yourself ifyou prefer.
This section was marked up like so:
Bold and Italics
It's very easy to add emphasis with bold and italics:
You can also use underscores if you prefer:
How to clean android phone internal memory. Reclaim Drive and SD Card Space Most Android devices have two different storage spaces: your internal space (where apps are stored) and your SD card (where your music, photos, and many of your. To download more apps and media, or help your phone run better, you can clear space on your phone. Storage is where you keep data, like music and photos. Memory is where you run programs, like apps and the Android system. This video will teach you how to clear your phone's cache, which can help speed up your phone and clear up memory space.Let's be friends!Facebook: https://ww. With today's need for data and space, you can never have too much internal memory. Whether you have a 150 MB internal memory space or have a 64 GB internal storage, you will always find yourself running out of memory the longer you use your phone.
Create simple links by wrapping square brackets around the link text andround brackets around the URL:
If you want to give your readers an extra about the link that they'reabout to follow you can set a link title:
Titles usually appear as a tooltip when you hover over the link, andhelp search engines work out what a page is about.
Bulleted Lists
Start each line with hyphen or an asterisk, followed by a space. Listitems can be nested. This text:
..produces this list:
- Bullet 1
- Bullet 2
- Bullet 2a
- Bullet 2b
- Bullet 3
Numbered Lists
Start each line with number and a period, then a space. This text…
..produces this list:
- Baked potato
- Baked beans
- Pepper
Jupyter Markdown Cheat Sheet 2020
If you need to cite a paragraph of somebody else's work you really oughtto attribute it to them properly by using HTML's <blockquote/>
tag.You can produce it with Markdown by adding a single '>' character atthe beginning of the line.
Jupyter Markdown Cheat Sheet Template
This text:
Jupyter Markdown Cheat Sheet 2019
Jupyter Notebook Markdown Cheat Sheet Pdf
One thing was certain, that the white kitten had had nothingto do with it -- it was the black kitten's fault entirely. Forthe white kitten had been having its face washed by the old cat,for the last quarter of an hour (and bearing it pretty well,considering) so you see that it couldn't have had any hand inthe mischief. -- Lewis Carroll, Through the LookingGlass