
At Icons8 we have been hand-crafting icons for over 7 years. Now you can use one of the largest and most consistent icon collections around without ever needing to leave Photoshop or Illustrator.We offer an extensive free tier, all we ask is for you to add a link back to icons8.com crediting us in the final work. Pichon (Icons8) is an Icons Offline Pack for your Windows PC that works with Photoshop, Adobe XD, Visual Studio, or whatever. The app stores all Icons8 icons on your hard drive and these are available in any format, size, or color.

Hold on, Young Man!

There's a new version of our API docs.

Icons8 allows software developers to embed icons into web services and applications, as well as desktop tools for software development, rapid prototyping and graphic design. Icons are distributed under our attribution license, paid license or custom volume license.


OperationDefinitionLive Test
GET /api/iconsets/iconReturns several iconsTry
GET /api/iconsets/iconsReturns all icons in alphabetical orderTry
GET /api/iconsets/searchReturns icons by the specified search criteriaTry
GET /api/iconsets/latestReturns several icons sorted by date, with the newest firstTry
GET /api/iconsets/similarReturns icons that similar to the given oneTry
GET /api/iconsets/totalReturns the total number of icons for different platformsTry
GET /api/iconsets/listReturns lists with information about iconsTry
GET /api/iconsets/categoriesReturns lists of categoriesTry
GET /api/iconsets/categoryReturns lists of icons in particular categoryTry
GET /api/iconsets/suggestReturns suggests about icons and tags for given stringTry
GET /api/iconsets/svg-symbolReturns SVG `symbol` image consists of specified iconsTry
GET /api/iconsets/downloadDownload icon's imageTry

Tips and Tricks

A chapter for those who do not read docs

Lunacy has a lot of small but very useful features that can ease your life or significantly speed up your workflow. Their descriptions are scattered across many chapters and if you are not accustomed to reading docs from cover to cover, they are likely to go unnoticed. Below you will find a collection of tips with short demos that will help you take full advantage of Lunacy.

Sharing your designs via Icons8 Cloud

The Alt+С + C shortcut allows you to instantly upload an object to Icons8 cloud and get a link to it. Just select the required object and use the shortcut. That’s it! The link to the export file is already in your clipboard. You can share it right away.

This option is also available on the context menu. For details, click here.

Background removal

If you need to remove background from an image, you can do it right in Lunacy.

Image upscaler

Lunacy is integrated with the Icons8 Image Upscaler. When you add an image to your document, Lunacy will offer you to enhance the image using our state-of-the-art AI.

Note: The feature is available only to users with a paid subscription.

Text formatting

When editing typography settings you don’t need to select a word or the whole text to make it bold, italicized or whatever. Just set the caret inside a word or at the end of the text and apply the required setting. In the latter case, the setting will be applied to the whole text.

Copying and pasting styling properties

The demo below shows how you can copy and paste styling properties between objects.

Adjusting values in the Inspector

There are several ways to change values in the numeric fields of the Inspector. You can:

  • Enter the new value manually (press Enter to submit).
  • Click over the required field and rotate the mouse wheel to gradually increase or decrease the value.
  • Hover the cursor over the required field, wait a moment until the cursor turns into a double-headed arrow and then drag the cursor up or down.
  • Use math (press Enter to submit).

Drawing/resizing shapes from the center

Download big ip edge client for mac. Press and hold Alt to draw/resize a shape from the center or Alt+Shift if you want to get a regular shape or preserve aspect ratio during resizing. See the red circle in the demo below.

Drawing horizontal, vertical and 45-degree diagonal lines, arrows and paths


Hold down Shift when placing the second point of a segment.

Mar 07, 2021 Watch Sky Go on Smart TV Using HDMI Connecting your PC or laptop to your TV over HDMI is the hassle-free way to watch Sky Go content. As long as there are HDMI ports on both of your devices, you can use an HDMI cable to connect your computer to your TV and mirror your desktop over a wired and reliable interface. To watch Sky Go on a Smart TV you need to connect a laptop, PC, or console, to the TV’s HDMI port and then run Sky Go on that device. Sky Go does not allow video output over mobile devices, and casting options are limited. Bear in mind, Sky Go is not yet compatible with Chromecast. Sky go on lg smart tv. There is no way to connect a phone to the TV and watch the Sky Go app I'm afraid. The only way this would be possible is to use a laptop, install the Sky Go app on it and connect it to the TV instead. Here are step by step instructions to using an HDMI cable to view Sky Go on a smart TV: Commence by launching the Sky Go application on your respective laptop Next, search for exactly what you’d like to view on the app. Once you’ve selected what you’d like to view, go full screen.

Transforming shapes through the Inspector

The next demo shows how you can modify shapes by adjusting their properties in the Inspector.

Adjusting the corner radius setting for rectangles

Note: The method shown in the next demo works only with rectangles drawn with the shape tool.

Resizing objects using keyboard

To resize objects, you can use the shortcuts CTRL+ arrow keys (by 1 pixel) or CTRL+Shift + arrow keys ( by 10 pixels).

Text alignment magnets

You can align text within text boxes using the alignment magnets that appear around the text box when you select it. They combine the functions of the text alignment and position alignment controls. The demo below shows how this nice feature works.

This also works with multiple ungrouped text boxes.

To disable the display of magnets, go to the View menu and uncheck the Text Alignment Magnets option.

Resizing text boxes

To quickly resize a text box so that it fits the text, double-click its vertical or horizontal border.

Note: A double-click over the right or left border sets the text box to the horizontal resize mode and transforms a multiline text into a single line.

Adding text to shapes

The next demo shows how you can quickly add text to shapes. This can be of great use when it comes to design of such UI elements as buttons, menus and things alike.

Text generation


If you need to add a random text to your design, simply expand a text block on the canvas and click the “Generate text” button on the Inspector or select the text type in the top Lunacy panel. Use Shift+R to refresh the generated text.

Text snippets

You don’t need to think of user names, addresses and stuff of that kind for your designs. Just type the required text snippet and press Enter. Use Shift+R to refresh the generated text.

Converting text to vector shapes

Lunacy enables you to convert text layers into vector shapes.

Alternatively, you can use the Ctrl+Shift+O shortcut.

Note: Remember that the text-to-vector operation is demanding in terms of system resources. Attempts to convert large portions of text can seriously slow Lunacy down .


Disabling snapping

To disable snapping, hold down Ctrl Skyblock servers. while dragging an object.

Eyedropper zoom

Lunacy’s eyedropper features a nice zoom option that comes in handy when the target area is small and you need pixel precision. To enable zoom, hover the eyedropper over the target and hold down the left mouse button. Then point the eyedropper to the required pixel and release the mouse button. To exit the zoom mode, press Esc or quickly swipe the cursor anywhere away from the current area.

Zoom to selection

To quickly jump to the required object on the canvas, select it in the left panel and press Ctrl+2 or double-click its outline/icon.

Scaling objects

If you want to resize an object with styling (borders, shadows, etc.), you should consider the scaling feature. Together with object size, it will accordingly adjust the values of its styling properties. See the demo below and note how the value of the border thickness changes with the object size.

In a similar fashion you can scale several objects at a time.

Importing an image from the internet

To quickly import an image from a web site to Lunacy, right-click over the image, then click Copy image on the context menu. Switch to Lunacy and paste the image onto the canvas.

Image fills

You can create an image fill by dropping an image from the Lunacy library or your desktop directly on to an object as shown in the demo below. For more information about image fills, click here.

Inverting gradients

To quickly invert a gradient use the button next to the gradient bar on the Color Picker.

Hiding UI elements

  • To hide the left panel, click the respective button at the bottom of the toolbar or use the View menu.
  • To hide the toolbar, Inspector, rulers and other UI elements, use the View menu.
  • To hide all UI elements at once (except for the menu bar), use the Ctrl+. shortcut or the respective command on the View menu.

Changing the position and disabling the suggestions panel

Icons8 Lunacy

To change the position of the suggestions panel, click the handle at the top-left corner of the panel and drag it up or down. Lunacy remembers the position of the panel individually for each object.

Icons8 Review

To disable the suggestions panel, unselect the Suggestions option in the View menu.