If you have already used the List Bullet style in your document, click the arrow in the Style box and choose List Bullet. If you have not already used the List Bullet style in this document, hold down Shift and click the arrow next to the Style box. And choose List Bullet. You will see that the Style box now says 'List Bullet'. The exclamation point above was taken from the Monotype Sorts bullets in Word Step 4. Add bullets to your list. That can be done in two ways. Highlight the entire list Select the bulleted list button Bullets appear by each item in your list. Or Place your cursor where your list will begin. Select the bulleted list button. Position the insertion point where you want the bullet to appear. Choose Symbol from the Insert menu. Word displays the Symbol dialog box. (To display the dialog box, display the Insert tab of the ribbon, click Symbol (in the Symbols group), and then click More Symbols.) (See Figure 1.).
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When you have a list of items to include in a document, you can format it as either a bulleted list or a numbered list. Adding a new item to a list will automatically insert a bullet, or a sequential number, in front of the item.
To change from numbering to bullet style, go to 'Format Bullets and Numbering', choose the bullet-style to use and click OK. Your second-level item will now change to bullet-style. Continue creating subitems with at the end of the line and those as well will have the bullet style (also the subitems you create under other toplevel elements).

Numbered List
A numbered list will automatically number each line of the list in sequence. This is helpful for a list of steps that must be done in order.
- Select the text you want to use to make a numbered list.
- Click the Numbering button.
The selected items are turned into a numbered list.
You can remove the list formatting by clicking the Numbering Download microsoft silverlight 5 for mac. button again.
Bulleted List
Use bulleted lists when the order of items in a list doesn’t matter, such as listing items you need to buy.
- Select the text you want to use to make a numbered list.
- Click the Bullets button.
The selected items are formatted as a bulleted list.
Like with a numbered list, clicking the Bullets button again will turn off the list formatting.
Multilevel List
Both numbered and bulleted lists can have multiple levels, letting you put together an outline of topics and subtopics. Any list can be turned into a multilevel list by demoting list items.
- Select the list item you want to demote.
- Click the Increase Indent button.
Download appcleaner for mac free. The list item is indented, and depending on the list style, the bullet or number may change.
You can indent a list item multiple times to create additional levels.
To promote a list item back to a higher level, just click the Decrease Indent button.
How To Add Bullets In Word
Change the List Style
While both bulleted and numbered lists have a default style, you can change the bullet style or numbering style for your lists.
- Select the list you want to change.
- Click the Bullets button list arrow or the Numbering button list arrow.
- Select a new list style.
You could also select just a single list item to change only that list item’s style.
Depending on which style of list you’re using, you can choose a new symbol for the bullets or a different numbering style, such as roman numerals.
The list style is updated.
Custom Numbering
Numbered lists automatically number each list item in order, but you can change it if you need to.
- Right-click a list number.
- Select Set Numbering Value.
- Make your adjustments.
- Start new list: This is the default, and it starts your list at “1.”
- Continue from previous list: Start numbering where the numbered list prior to it left off. If you check Advance value, you can skip numbers.
- Set value to: Allows you to manually enter a number other than “1” to start your list.
- Click OK when you're done.
How To Add Bullets In Word 2016
The list numbering is updated.