Backblaze On Synology

Early in 2016 I published a post on how I setup my Synology NAS to backup to CrashPlan from Code42. Macromedia dreamweaver 8 download for mac. It certainly wasn't an out of the box process and involved a lot of behind the scenes hacking on both the Synology and my laptop in order to get it going. It did, however, work well.

For a time.

I started to notice a pattern in that, with every iteration of the DSM platform or Java update, the CrashPlan service would just stop. I'd get it going again, but each time, it was not as simple as clicking the Start button next to the Service window. No, it was always far more detailed than that and I started to grow weary. I even went weeks at times without backing up my NAS, and this was not a situation I could tolerate any more.

Backup Synology NAS to Backblaze B2 Guide by BLACKBOX USA. Backup Synology NAS to Backblaze B2 Guide by BLACKBOX USA. Newbie here coming from a Lenovo IX2-DL to a DS920+, and holy crap, is it a night and day difference! So much snappier, and now that I've tried DSM, I don't think I.

At the time, when researching backup solutions, I felt disappointed that Backblaze weren't offering any kind of solution for this. I had been using Backblaze for several years on my Mac devices and always found it to be a solid, reliable and unobtrusive piece of software. I've only needed to restore a few items in that time, yet each time the process was quick and easy. This is what I ideally wanted on my NAS. Mendeley on mac.

Well, now I do.

Backblaze On Synology

Backblaze now offer a B2 Cloud Storage which links directly to my Synology NAS. Rather than paying a fixed monthly fee, B2 works in a very similar mould to it's cloud storage competitors in that you will pay per GB (currently $0.005 per GB), so working out your appromiate monthly bill is simple.

Backblaze Synology Encryption

The best part about this solution is, without question, the ease of setup and subsequent lack of worry. You can 'set it and forget it', just like on your laptop or desktop machine. Backblaze provide an intuitive guide which lays out the steps in a logical, well explained manner.

I'd say more, but once the guide was followed, I haven't had to carry out any more maintenance. It's important to note that this is a Cloud Storage solution for your NAS as opposed to a fully fledged Backup solution. I use this solely for duplicating all of my NAS content to cloud storage. I can then download on any device with an internet connection.

Install Backblaze On Synology

So quick, so simple, so hassle-free.

Backblaze On Synology

Backblaze On Synology

That's enough of a selling point for me.