I became a member 6 weeks ago & recently watched your session 1010 re Affinity & Panoramas - many thanks - very informative.

Question: do you recommend using a tripod for ground-based panoramas? A field effect transistor. - it would seem to reduce the blank perimeter areas & help keep the horizon straight & level. I also want to take more low light level / longer time exposures. Any recommendations for tripod make/model?
I’m an amateur & have used Aperture exclusively for ten years. I purchased a new 27” 5K iMac & Affinity Photos a couple of months ago. Last week I managed to copy my Aperture library to the new machine and create the equivalent Photos Library, so I’ll be using Affinity Photos as an extension to Photos.
Affinity Photo Panorama Erstellen
From the File menu, select New Panorama. From the dialog, click Add to locate and select your images. (Optional) If you have images you do not wish to include, you can uncheck them from the image list. Click Stitch Panorama to stitch images together. One or more previews are generated in the adjacent Panoramas window. The Panorama tools in Affinity Photo produce excellent results but there are a few tips and tricks you can use to help. Let’s start with the three-stage process of creating a panorama: Shoot the individual frames of the panorama. Process the frames to prepare them for stitching. How to Stitch a Panoramic Photo in Affinity Photo. By Mike Davies Feb 10, 2021. How to Stitch a Panoramic Photo in Affinity Photo Learn how to stitch together multiple photos to create a stunning panorama photo using Affinity Photo! This technique is super easy thanks to Affinity Photo’s intelligent panoramic stitching features, plus. Want to create a stunning Affinity Photo panorama? It’s easier than you might think! In fact, Affinity has a built-in, automated feature specifically designed to make creating panoramas easy and fun. And in this article, I’m going to share with you the step-by-step process for both capturing and editing panoramas – so you can get.