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2 Meter GaAs FET Preamp KD9JQ 2 meter GaAsFET preamplifier by KD9JQ 6m Preamp A dead easy 50 mhz preamp by VK3CJS 23 cm GaAs FET preamplifier On 23cm the best way to obtain a good RX-sensitivity is to use a GaAs-FET in the front-end, since these. Download google chrome for mac 10.6 8. GaAs metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor MOSFET! Has attracted great interest for decades.1–13 GaAs-based devices potentially have great advantages over Si-based devices for high-speed and high-power applica-tions, in part from an electron mobility in GaAs that is;53 greater than that in Si, the availability of semi-insulating.

Gaafet Vs Finfet
- 144 MHz preamplifier with BF981
Design of a preamplifier for 144 MHz with 1 dB NF and 23 dB gain using BF981. This amplifier is using a low cost silicon MOSFET (BF981 from Philips) to give more than 20 dB gain with around 1 dB noise figure on 2 meter. - VHF UHF preamp
ON6MU project for a vhf uhf preamplifier - U301 FET preamplifier
This FET preamplifier has been around for almost 25 years. It is extremely reliable and can handle several watts directly into either the input or the output without failure. - 2 Meter GaAs FET Preamp
KD9JQ 2 meter GaAsFET preamplifier by KD9JQ - 6m Preamp
A dead easy 50 mhz preamp by VK3CJS - 23 cm GaAs FET preamplifier
On 23cm the best way to obtain a good RX-sensitivity is to use a GaAs-FET in the front-end, since these devices show very low noise figures. - Audio Preamp
Easy circuit that provide good gain to weak audio signals - 144Mhz preamplifier
A preamplifier project based on Rainer DJ9BV project, in french
- 137 kHz antenna preamplifier- A simple 137 kHz antenna preamplifier to make your FT-817 (and others) useable on 2200m band.
- 144 MHz Antenna Pre-Ampilfier- Electronic circuit and components layout fot this VHF Preamp[ Hits: 3176 | Votes: 5 | Rating: 6.4 ]
- 144 MHz preamplifier with BF981- Design of a preamplifier for 144 MHz with 1 dB NF and 23 dB gain using BF981. This amplifier is using a low cost silicon MOSFET (BF981 from Philips) to give more than 20 dB gain with around 1 dB noise figure on 2 meter.
- 144 MHz Very Low Noise Preamplifier - An home made low noise preamplifier project for 144 MHz, with detailed circuit diagram. The VLNA-144 preamplifier has been Published on DUBUS 4 2019[ Hits: 222 | Votes: 2 | Rating: 10 ]
- 144Mhz preamplifier- A preamplifier project based on Rainer DJ9BV project, in french
- 2 Meter GaAs FET Preamp- KD9JQ 2 meter GaAsFET preamplifier by KD9JQ[ Hits: 5606 | Votes: 4 | Rating: 5.75 ]
- 23 cm GaAs FET preamplifier- On 23cm the best way to obtain a good RX-sensitivity is to use a GaAs-FET in the front-end, since these devices show very low noise figures.
- 432MHz Low Noise Preamp- An easy to build with a cheap HEMT FET Transistor Low noise preamplifier with FHX35LG based on JH0WJF design[ Hits: 647 | Votes: 1 | Rating: 10 ]
- 435 plus 1296MHz ATF54143 Pre-amplifier- The prototype for this amplifier was originally designed for 70cm and was used on the 2004 3B9C Dx-pedition to Rodriguez Island for satellite and EME. It had a noise figure of 0.49dB with an associated gain of 20dB.
- 50-70 MHz preamplifier- A ham radio home made preamplifier for 50 MHz and 70 MHz bands[ Hits: 82 | Votes: 1 | Rating: 1 ]
- 6m Preamp- A dead easy 50 mhz preamp by VK3CJS
- Amateur Radio - Microphone Preamp- Low signal, noise-high AC gain preamplifier[ Hits: 955 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0 ]
- Amplifiers and Vacuum Tubes Tuning Loading and Arcing- Page on amplification topics. From vacuum tubes to various components, discussion on stability and arcin causes.
- Antenna pre-amplifier for 10 m- A simple & effective antenna pre-amp for 10m. Band (28-29.7 MHz)[ Hits: 1692 | Votes: 1 | Rating: 9 ]
- Attenuators and Preamps- How to get the most from attenuators and preamps
- Audio Preamp- Easy circuit that provide good gain to weak audio signals[ Hits: 3716 | Votes: 2 | Rating: 3.5 ]
- Designing Op Amp Audio PreAmplifiers- Design guidelines for Op Amp audio preamplifier circuits by Mike Martell N1HFX
- DL5DBM`s 2 meter Antenna preamp- Homebrew with CF300 DGMF with about .24 dBD gain[ Hits: 3144 | Votes: 5 | Rating: 7.6 ]
- GaAs FER Pre Amp Cookbook- There are many designs for building preamps each with their own advantages and disvantages. In this PDF Article author reviews several different types.
- General purpose RF Wideband PreAmp- General purpose RF Wideband PreAmp based on BSX-20 transistor with a frequency range 14-550 MHz[ Hits: 2346 | Votes: 2 | Rating: 5.5 ]
- Improving Receiver Noise on 50 MHz- Tests on a preamplifier for 50 MHz installed right at the feedpoint of the antenna.
- LF/MF Preamplifier- A universal LF/MF preamplifier by Lyle Koehler, K0LR[ Hits: 2043 | Votes: 2 | Rating: 4.5 ]
- Low Power LF Amplifier- ON6MU Low Power amplifier
- Mic Pre Ampllifier- A microphone preamplifier schematic for hand-helds by ON6MU[ Hits: 1613 | Votes: 2 | Rating: 4 ]
- Mic Preamplifier- Mic Preamp, schematic by Anthony Gargasz, KB8WOW
- Mizuho products- Mizuho Tsushin Co. was a small Japanese manufacturer of QRP radios and kits, shortwave receiver accessories, and AM broadcast band receiver kits and antennas[ Hits: 3169 | Votes: 1 | Rating: 10 ]
- PHEMT (GaAs FET) Preamplifiers- Angle Linear has been producing GaAs FET preamplifiers since 1980
- Radio Preamplifier for 2 mtr reciever- 20db gain 144 Mhz preamplifier by Harry Popov LZ1BB[ Hits: 1931 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0 ]
- Simple Cheap MMIC Preamps- Who needs a GaAsFET? Tuning, constructions and Packaging by Paul Wade
- The 50MHz Assistant- Preamp & Power Amp By Alkberto, I0XGR[ Hits: 2477 | Votes: 1 | Rating: 10 ]
- Transistor Audio Preamplifier Circuits- Design Guidelines for Bipolar Transistor Audio Preamplifier Circuits By Mike Martell N1HFX
- Tri-Mode Buffer Amplifier Box- The TMB-1 is an RF amplifier unit / receiving accessory that can be used with a low-impedance broadband loop, a high-impedance terminated loop (such as a Pennant, Flag, or Kaz Delta), and whip (telescoping rod) antennas.[ Hits: 911 | Votes: 1 | Rating: 1 ]
- U301 FET preamplifier- This FET preamplifier has been around for almost 25 years. It is extremely reliable and can handle several watts directly into either the input or the output without failure.
- U310 FET preamplifier- Extremely reliable FET preamplifier can handle several watts directly into either the input or the output without failure[ Hits: 984 | Votes: 2 | Rating: 9 ]
- UHF Low Noise Antenna pre-amp- Low Noise Antenna pre-amp for SAT, EME & DX-ing
- VHF UHF preamp- ON6MU project for a vhf uhf preamplifier[ Hits: 13863 | Votes: 21 | Rating: 3.95 ]
- W7IUV HF Preamplifier- Schematic and pictures of a W7IUV preamplifier
- W7IUV Low Band Preamp- Pre amplifier using a 2N5109 for the 160 meters band[ Hits: 2282 | Votes: 6 | Rating: 6.17 ]
- Wideband PreAmp's for HF/VHF/UHF- Wideband VHF/UHF/SHF monolithic PreAmp based on MARx-series by ON6MU
Gallium Arsenide Transistor
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